Thursday, August 6, 2015

 8.6.2015     I sit down to write my first post(finally), I try to think about what might inspire others or what profound, life-changing things I could say. When I really think about what might inspire others, I realize that it's everyday life that people are inspired by. It's not the perfect people with perfect lives. It's the people who admit they're not perfect and still get up & keep going. That's what I want to do with this blog...I want to tell my story. The good, the bad and the not so pretty. I want to help others who are like me..maybe they were pumped about starting a new fitness program and a few weeks in to it had a list of excuses for not doing the workouts. Maybe they had one cheat meal that turned in to 5. That was the previous me. New me misses a day and doesn't beat myself up about it. New meal can treat myself to something without going crazy. 
 Life is about balance. I have finally found that balance. I work hard doing the right things for my health so when I do "slip up" I don't feel guilty, because I know I earned it! What an amazing feeling. I love that my family is included in that balance. We work out together as a family or sometimes my husband Bill and I will workout at night. We used to eat snacks and watch tv, now we workout. Including your family in your healthy decisions will change your success. You can't do this alone...we all need support! 

I hope that my writing will inspire you and teach you about balance in this crazy life. We all have areas to work on and I'm excited to continue to grow! I can't wait to share some of my favorite recipes with you...that are of course husband & kid approved! I'm currently pregnant and due Nov 10. We are very elated to add a baby girl to this family! So join me in my pregnant journey with fitness and cheer me on(I would love the support) when I begin my post-baby body transformation!  

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